Business Communication Skills and Report Writing Course
Business Communication Course Introduction
Our Business Communication and Report Writing training course introduces students to the basics of report writing in a CSW environment. Students will build strong business communication skills and learn to write objectively, without using slang, jargon, or clichés. Reports include in-house reports like intake interview reports daily logs, case notes, progress notes, and incident reports. Multi-audience reports and short proposals are also taught and practiced. Students learn proper formatting and content for CSW letters, emails, brochures, and newsletters, in addition to presentation skills which they will need in the field. This course also contains a review of grammar essentials for professional correspondence. This report writing course consists of 15 days (75 hours) of daily, participative learning sessions.
Course Prerequisites
Completion of Case Management, Counselling, and Ethics.
Course Notes
Students are supplied with textbooks for ongoing reference. In addition to quizzes, tests, and assignments, there is a Final Exam upon completion of the course. Students must achieve a mark of 75% overall and on the Final Exam to successfully complete the course.
Course Breakdown
Report Writing Basics: Report writing basics, writing objectively, chronological writing, report organization, and jargon, slang, and clichés,
In-House Reports: Direct speech in reports, in-house reports, intake interview reports, daily logs, case notes, progress notes, and incident reports
Multi-Audience Reports: Multi-Audience reports, reports for outside audiences, and providing background detail
Short Proposals: Short proposals, proposal writing, and sections of a proposal
Letters and Email: Letters, formatting, emails, and memorandums
Brochures and Newsletters: Brochures, and newsletters
CSW Presentation Skills: Presentation skills, introducing yourself, presentation anxiety, and making impromptu presentations
Spelling and Vocabulary: Canadian spelling and workplace words, and spell-check
CSW Business Communication Grammar Essentials: Common errors, punctuation, parallelism, commas, semi-colons, pronoun usage, subject-verb agreement, using numbers, capitalization, bulleted lists, modifiers, who versus whom, challenges in proofreading, and commonly confused and misspelled words