Managing Hospitality Human Resources
Course Introduction
This course presents a systematic approach to human resources management in the hospitality industry. Students will analyze contemporary issues and practices, as well as employment laws that have an impact on the way people are managed. Students will gain insight by analyzing contemporary issues and practices regarding new trends and approaches to performance appraisals, conducting orientation programs that effectively welcome new employees, minimizing turnover through contrasting Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Alderfer’s ERG theory, demographic information on hospitality industry employees, information on union elections, new Labor Relations Board rules, and interpretations on unions.
Course Prerequisites
Not Applicable.
Course Notes
Course textbook is provided for on-going reference. There is a final exam upon completion of the course. Participants who receive 70% or higher on their exam will receive a certificate.
Course Breakdown
Lesson 1: Defining Discrimination; Evolution of EEO Legislation; Other Employment Laws and Court Interpretations; Major Areas of Abuse and Litigation in Hospitality Operations; Issues in a Social Context; Americans with Disabilities Act
Lesson 2: Job Analysis; Job Design; Legal Issues; Classifications of Employees; Staffing Guides; Forecasting Sales Volume
Lesson 3: Planning Human Resources; Forecasting Demand; Forecasting Supply; Recruitment; Recruitment Sources; Recruiting from the Applicant’s Viewpoint; Human Resource Information Systems (HRISs); Outsourcing
Lesson 4: Does Selection Really Work?; Selection Steps; Selection Techniques; Reference Checks and Recommendations; Employment Interviews
Lesson 5: Orientation Goals; Planning Orientation Programs; Socialization
Lesson 6: Training Expenditures Today; The Training Cycle; Developing Needs Assessments; Conducting Needs Assessments; Designing the Training Program; Choosing Training Methods; Implementing the Training Program; Evaluating Training; Use Technology for Training; Career Development
Lesson 7: Functions of Performance Appraisals; Potential Problems with Performance Appraisals; Principal Appraisal Rating Systems Ranking Methods; Who Should Evaluate Performance?; Performance Appraisals Training; Frequency of Performance Appraisals; Appraisals and the Law; Final Thoughts on Evaluating Employee Performance
Lesson 8: Major Influences of Compensation Plans; Motivating Employees; Determining Job Worth; Establishing Pay Structures; Current Issues in Compensation Administration
Lesson 9: Effective Incentive Programs; Individual Incentive Programs; Group Incentive Programs; Employee Benefits
Lesson 10: Statistics and Trends; Legislation Affecting Labor Relations; Union Structures and Organization; The Future of Unions
Lesson 11: Issues in Bargaining; Reasons Behind Bargaining; Preparing for Negotiation; Choosing a Negotiation Team; Negotiation Strategies; Meditation and Arbitration; Strikes; Grievances; Concerns of Non-Union Properties
Lesson 12: Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; Employee Stress and Emotional Health; Employee Assistance Programs; Other Issues in Safety and Health
Lesson 13: The Turnover Problem; The Use of Discipline; Discharge: A Last Resort; Exit Interviews
Lesson 14: Philosophical Perspectives on the Social Responsibility of Business; Business Responses to the Call for Social Responsibility; Social Responsibility and the Hospitality Industry; Ethical Issues in Business